Trash Mutant Back Issues: "Hawkeye" #1-4 (1983)
While Hawkeye is kicking it with his hot new girlfriend and co-worker, his beeper goes off, notifying him that there's an intruder in the Cross Technological Enterprises warehouse. He jumps on the rocket sled thing and confronts the intruder and we find out that it's Mockingbird!
They fight for a bit, Mockingbird introduces herself etc, but Hawk manages to defeat her and hand her over to the CTE guards. When he returns to the warehouse later that night to check on things, it turns out things are not how they seem. The security goons who Hawkeye used to boss around turn against him and he finds out that Sheila was only romancing him to keep him distracted from the evil bussiness that takes place at the company. Along with Mockingbird, our hero gets thrown into some chemical waste pit (all major companies have those in their warehouses) and left to die. Except he doesn't, he calls out for his rocket sled (I am so tired of typing "rocket sled" by now, folks...) and escapes with Mockingbird, heartbroken by the night's revelations and looking like crap. After all that, Hawkeye is really depressed. His pride doesn't allow him to just contact the Avengers and go back to living in their mansion, so he spends the night under some bridge, where he finally passes out and gets attacked by Random Comicbook Street Thugs (TM), apparently led by Street Fighter's Zangief: Clint promptly beats the crap out of them and decides to go check out his brand new apartment. Surprise! It's been totally cleaned out, none of his belongings (including his "arrow-making tools, rock & roll records and his video recorder"). Thankfully, Mockingbird is in there waiting for him and she wants to put their first encounter behind them so she takes Barton to her place. Since Hawkeye's costume is all torn up, Mockingbird offers to make him a new one, since all women obviously are really good at sewing. We are also treated to a flashback explaining Mockingbird's whole history (I'm skipping that, you need to buy this mini if you're interested... or Google it).
In the next issue, our protagonists run into even more trouble. There's another attempt to kill them, this time the culprits are Oddball and Bombshell. Oddwhat and who? I don't know if those guys appeared anywhere before this mini. I hope they got killed off by the Scourge or someone later on. They look ridiculous. One is a professional juggler (with balls rigged with various stuff like gas, explosives etc) and the other is a woman who apparently blows stuff up? And blow stuff up she does. In this case Bobbi's (Mockingbird. I will use her name every now and then because the alternative is calling her "Mocky" for short, like Hawkeye does) place, along with Hawkeye's sweet ride. Our heroes will confront them soon enough. First, they have to take the subway when they meet Captain America ("in his civvies!"). When Hawkeye and Mockingbird get off the train (while Bobbi keeps talking about how "gorgeous" Steve is and asking Hawk if he's "one of them"... I can only assume she means superheroes), Oddball is already waiting for them! In fact, he's mocking them!
Before Hawkeye gets offed though, he will be useful for one last thing - testing the technology, of course! He and Mockingbird get thrown into a special sealed room where the sond makes them want to beat each other to a bloody pulp. Before it happens, Mockingbird (who's been really into Clint since she met him) gives Hawkeye a farewell kiss. Then the fighting starts. The two superheroes go at each other for a good few pages, destroying the surveilance cameras in the room in the process. Hawkeye has a plan, though! After all, it's his series! Of course he has a plan! You can read what he comes up with by yourself, here:
This makes him go deaf, but also he manages to think straight now, defeat Mockingbird without doing her too much harm and then fake a faint, so that the villains think they both KO'ed each other and are apparently done for. When Oddball and Bombshell go inside the room to grab the bodies, Hawkeye promptly beats them up and he's off to confront their boss. But Crossfire is already waiting for him, armed with Hawkeye's bow and an explosive arrow. He pulls the bow and... nothing. He doesn't have the strength to pull it and the arrow falls down at his feet, knocking him out cold. That's it for the villains, Hawkeye wins. He goes back for Mockingbird, who thankfully survived the beating he just gave her in the soundproof room. So after the villains are taken care off, Mockingbird suggest to Hawkeye that they could maybe hang out together, go out on a date or something. She doesn't realise Hawk's entirely deaf and the man is so stupidly proud that he doesn't tell her ("I couldn't stomach pity", he reflects) and just walks away. That's a pretty fantastic scene and it makes me laugh whenever I see it. Thankfully for "Cockeye" here, Mockingbird is stubborn enough to try again and get the guy to admit he can't hear for crap. Things get better for Hawkeye's hearing and their relationship soon though, and we're treated to this epilogue where we see the pair chilling in a pink heart-shaped bathtub, sipping champagne with their pinkies out. This comicbook is really something else. I recommend getting it, cause no comicbooks nowadays, Marvel or otherwise, ever get close to the wonderful level of ridiculousness and fun Gruenwald achieved here. |