Comics Review: "Captain Ultimate" #1
Captain Ultimate was originally born on Twitter as an attempt to find an old public domain hero to reboot. As time went on, it was decided that a new, original hero would be a better idea; a hero that could be fun to write and could offer new stories without all the continuity and dark, gritty tones. So, Benjamin Bailey and Joey Esposito took that idea and created the comic book we have now, with art by Boykoesh and Ed Ryzowski.
When a five year old says he wants to start reading comics, what do you get him? Spider-Man filled with rape? Batman, starring a clown with his face cut off? Transformers with disease and death? X-Men with all its terrorism and continuity? Not that these stories are particularly bad; Transformers is one of the best mainstream comics available right now, but they’re not suitable for the little brats, are they? Do you want to answer the question “Why is Spider-Man touching himself?” That’s not a question you want to answer.
The colours by Ryzowski however, are vibrant and make up for the faults. It’s exactly what an all ages comic like this needs. I don’t know how much writing Esposito did, compared to Bailey, but it at least shows off his range when compared to Footprints. It’s vastly different. And that Benjamin Bailey looks to be worth keeping an eye on, too. This review comes to you only a day or two after Paul Pope said that he was told, by a “head of DC” that DC “publish comics for 45 year olds” and that if he wanted to do an all ages book like the one he had planned, he should just go an write Scooby Doo. Although, a Paul Pope Scooby Doo would be interesting... But it’s good to see that even if mainstream comics seem to be focusing only on adult audiences, all ages comics can be found elsewhere. So, while I may not have enjoyed this book, I applaud Monkeybrain for publishing something that can be enjoyed by kids without all the awkward questions. Actually, Monkeybrain has a lot of titles worth checking out. Trust me, I’m right! Do not doubt me. Have you read "Captain Ultimate" (get it here!)? What so you think of the state of all ages comics today? Let us know! |