Comics Review: "Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor" #1
The new Doctor hasn't been amongst us for very long. Despite having a couple of appearances before his regeneration, we're only halfway into the new season of the TV show and we're just getting to know this incarnation of the Doctor. But from what we do know, he's feisty, he's cranky, and he quite literally doesn't give a damn as long as you just let him do his job. Peter Capaldi is amazing as the Doctor, and Jenna Coleman continues to delight as the ever-loving Clara Oswald. But, how do the side stories hold up, I wonder? Titan Comics has now dipped into the world of Doctor Who comics, and here's where the Twelfth's colored adventures begin...
There's a sort of freedom that working on a Doctor Who title gives you -- in that you get to come up with so many silly and cool things and it just... works. Usually. In this issue we get to see something silly like animals stamped with trademark and dollar signs because they were man-made, but also those same animals all look freaking cool. So it balances out.
You also get to find out what the new Doctor thinks of his previous incarnation; it's pretty funny. Finally, the art is a lot of fun. Everything is kind of rough, but also everything is very imaginative. Taylor really captures the “otherworldness” of the alien characters and Isen VI and his art is just nice to look at. If I had any complaint it's that yes, his style is a little rough, and could be more polished, but I think it works with the series. I think his style works better with natural looking world and the freaky looking animals, they just look really crisp and neat. Titan Comics has something good going here, and I hope the strong storytelling of issue #1 is an indication of what we're in for with the remainder of however long this series lasts. I'm definitely excited for the next one, and I fully recommend picking this up. Robbie Morrison gets the Doctor, and that's the most important thing when writing a Doctor Who adventure. Final Score: 4 Time Lord Incarnations out of 5 Looks like Titan Comics is really doing well with their Doctor Who comics! Have you read the first issue of the Twelfth Doctor's series? What were your thoughts? Let us know in the comments! |