Comics Review: "Colder: The Bad Seed" #1
Happy Halloween! There’s been a lot of horror comics released this month, but there’s one that pretty much made all the others pale in comparison, and that’s “Colder: The Bad Seed” #1. No disrespect to “Wytches” and other stuff, but Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra straight up excel at making nightmare fuel that’s hard to compete with.
Not happy days! Declan and Reece don’t know it yet, but there’s a new presence in town. A classically elegant man that goes by the name of Swivel. There are several things we learn about Swivel from this issue: 1) he cuts off and collects people’s fingers, 2) he has fingers for teeth, 3) he can have fingers for not just his teeth, but for a whole finger-y face, 4) he can squeeze a person’s arm or head and milk it like it’s an udder, 5) he likes maggots and eating pigeons. See, this is part of why this comic was better than the other horror stuff this month. Sure, “Wytches” #1 was nice, but Scott Snyder isn’t yet on the “face made out of fingers” level. Step your game up, Snyder. Anyway, we don’t yet know what Swivel wants. Is he just another odd creature that really likes it when things are super insane? Where does he know Declan from? Why are all these freaks (first Nimble Jack, now this dude) after Declan? Time will tell, but for now issue 1 gives us plenty to enjoy. Tobin and Ferreyra kind of rose to horror comics superstardom since they first teamed-up. As somebody who reads a lot of horror comics, I can say that I think their status is fully deserved. The first volume of Colder looked for the scares in concepts that are not as exploited as what you normally see. It didn’t take the easy route of making horror comics (“Let’s put vampires in this!” or zombies, or werewolves etc). It took real, subtle, disturbing things and amped them up to the point where they’re so terrifying you can lose your mind. “The Bad Seed” barely started, but it already looks like it will be at least a worthy successor. Juan Ferreyra’s art in this is just as amazing as it’s ever been, and he’s fantastic both in the “normal”, happy scenes showing Declan and Reece, as well as the “JESUSF***INCHRISTWHATISTHISTHING” scenes. And I want that guy to continue working with Paul Tobin for as long as possible, because Tobin clearly gives Ferreyra some fine things to draw. If Paul Tobin keeps a notebook with ideas for future comics, he should probably make sure nobody working in mental health ever sees it. I am not sure how to finish this review. Buy this comic, I guess! It shows a face made out of fingers on the cover and it delivers on that promise. This is just issue one and it’s already mental. Can you imagine what’s gonna happen in issue two or three? Think about that. Think about it tonight, in your bed. Enjoy your dreams. Yeah, Happy Halloween! Get this book!! Face made outta fingers!!! Comments below!!! |