Comics Review: "The Strain" Vol. 1
David Lapham is one of those “hit or miss” writers. He’s capable of writing incredible masterpieces with dark twists and fantastic characters ("Silverfish", "Batman: City of Crime") but sometimes he just writes total crap ("Crossed: Family Values", "Deadpool MAX"). Because of that, I approached "The Strain" with caution.
The Strain is actually based on the first book of a vampire trilogy written by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. I actually have no idea if it’s close to the book but since Del Toro had a lot of input in this adaptation, I’m guessing it’s pretty accurate. Besides, this is about the comic book, not the novel.
But this sounds more like a zombie story! I said vampires, right? VAMPIRES! Grrrrrr! Arrrrrr! The truth is, it’s a cross between the two monsters. There are the master vampires and the European origins with the need to feed on humans but with the infected, monstrous, zombie-like appearances.
But what about the art, you ask? Well, the art is the best thing about it and, considering how much I’ve praised the writing, that’s saying something! Mike Huddleston gives us a fantastic horror atmosphere with dark, moody art. It’s sort of a mix of Simon Bisley and Sean Murphy, meaning it’s all sorts of awesome.
Look at this cover and tell me I’m wrong: Yeah! Take that! The first volume is available RIGHT NOW and I think you should go get it. I said GO GET IT!!! |