Forgotten Game Greats: The People
Even if you’re not a fan of a comedian, director, actor, comedian, writer, artist, etc you tend to know a bit about them due to celebrity news, friends or maybe they’re linked to something you do like. For example, our very own Señor Editor hates Hugh Jackman but still knows things about him. In pretty much every medium, you know people whether you like them or not. You know of people even if you have no interest in a medium, you tend to know something about the people in that industry.
But not games so much. Can you, humble reader, name any video game creators? Directors? Writers? There’s a chance you know someone like Cliffy B, but... you probably don’t. This is no fault of yours. People who work in the video game industry are not as celebrated as people on Jersey Shore. Sometimes it’s because these people are shy. Sometimes it’s because they’re kind of funny looking. But let’s take a look at the people you SHOULD know. The people who should be known outside of the gaming community. HIDEO KOJIMA
And that, readers, is just a handful of the people working in the game industry. Not even a handful. But this concludes today's installment of FGG! There's plenty of real talent in the video game industry. Do you have any favorite game creators? Sound off in the comments! |