Forgotten Game Greats: "The Suffering" (2004)
Welcome to a new regular feature on Trash Mutant! The Forgotten Game Greats! In which I remind you that you missed some freaking awesome games. Or that you played it and forgot about it! This month its The Suffering!
The Suffering was released in 2004 by Midway Games and was developed by Surreal Software, Midway Home Entertainment and Next Level Games. All of which ain't doing so well these days, with Surreal Software being the only company really going anywhere, as part of Warner Bros. Games.
It’s set in a place that most people are afraid of; prison. Specifically a place called Abbott, on an island called Carnate Island. The place is basically a modern day Alcatraz, which was one of the most infamous prisons in America. And there’s an insane asylum on the island! Because... Because... That’s how they roll on Carnate Island! So not only do we have a setting that already resonates with some fears inside us but throw in some messed up monsters and blood and you have some real horror right there! The monsters pretty much speak for themselves; they’re representations of different execution methods. You’ve got beheading, firing squad, lethal injection and more. They’re creative, bearing a resemblance to Dead Space’s Necromorphs but with more details. Plus, you have to face humans who have gone a little crazy. But what about the protagonist? Well, Americans sure like their bad asses, don’t they? And here we have Torque, who barely even flinches at the horrors in Abbott. He’s so bad ass, he even has similar facial hair to Wolverine! But it’s not a bad thing. He’s easy to like and, since he doesn’t speak (well, he does in the sequel but that’s not what we’re talking about here) we don’t have any annoying screaming and “Oh My God” style phrases being spouted at every noise; one of American horror’s big flaws. He’s stabbing things with shivs and shooting monsters with TOMMY GUNS!!! When was the last time you shot monsters with a Tommy Gun, eh? Did I mention he also turns into a monster with a freaking giant blade sticking out of his arm? No? Well, now you know. He’s in Abbott for murdering his family, an act he can’t remember doing. We introduced to him as he’s being escorted towards the death row cells of Abbot. The guards are talking about how sick he is, that he killed them with his bare hands and that he doesn’t remember doing it. So now he has to fight his way through the crazy monsters while he’s put through tests and urged to either be good or bad! Plus, Abbott and Carnate Island’s dark past is revealed giving you an insight into why all this is even happening. Did he do it, you ask? Did he kill his family? Well, that’s something you have to wait to find out. Because the way you play the games determines this very fact. You’ll be presented with some choices, mostly just saving people or keeping them alive until you get you the next destination. Obviously if you save them, you get the nice ending! Woo! Kill these people and you get the bad guy ending. Boo! I’m not going to give the endings away because by now you’re probably itching to play it. I don’t want to spoil it!
And, finally, we have the psychologist Dr. Killjoy (Not to be confused with the Dr. Killjoy from Deadpool). While he’s obviously pretty evil, it’s almost impossible to dislike him. He’s charming and funny and the way he appears is pretty creative. He is projected into a room using a projector and, if he wants you to stay, he’ll project a big metal gate onto the door until he’s done with you. He... has a thing for projecting, obviously. It’s his theme. Anyway, I quite enjoyed watching him slash a guy to death while being so medically professional about it. That’s one of those things I shouldn’t admit to, right? So, all in all, we have a very good horror game with great characters, a great story and a great setting. It’s a great one! Great. Great!!! So go buy this freaking game! It’s on Amazon! And I hope you enjoyed this new feature. There will be more. Probably. No, definitely! Your eyes will bleed with the awesome!!! See ya next time! |