"Man-Skate" (Slime Fiction)Slime Fiction is a series of short (from half a page to several pages long) stories about wrestlers, crabs, monsters, aliens and all kinds of things that make this world a beautiful place. Created by Łukasz Kowalczuk. Proudly hosted by Trash Mutant.
Scrap had no idea how he did it, but it was a literal nosegrind. He skated over the “orderly” and landed on his face with the front of his skateboard. The thug covered his blood-spurting nose and fired towards the skater. The Uzi burst mowed down a nurse. Scrap was already outside the hospital cell, and his escape turned into a triumphant ride. They gave him something new, but he didn’t give a shit. There were no obstacles he couldn’t take on. This wasn’t a dream. SKATE.
He felt bigger and heavier. Despite that, he kept up the insane speed and no trick could put him off balance. Tricks! Normally, he would just fuck off as far as possible, but this was not normal. SKATE, SKATE. He heard the screams of people he passed by mere millimeters. He had no mercy for the “orderlies”. He bowled them over, blinded them, broke them and probably killed a few. It was him or the corporate fucks. He made it to the exit, his sharpened senses allowing him to duck bullets. They wanted him dead, rubber bullets couldn’t cause this kind of damage. SKATE, SKATE, SKATE. The only thing that the guards at the gate saw was a blurry shape, whizzing over their heads. An epic ollie and he was out on the street. He felt like he just beat a level of an ancient arcade game. If that was it, then it was going to get way harder now. He did not slow down. Instead of dressed up freaks, he was chased by the cops. He saw police cruisers at the nearest intersection… and a tank. Scrap felt he could turn the barricade into so much junk. He gained even more speed. SKATE, SKATE, SKATE, SKA… Something stung his left side. The pain squeezing his skull was joined by a stomach cramp. His muscles gave up on him. He slalomed a few more meters and wiped out on a hydrant. He was immediately surrounded by the special unit henchmen. He was broken like his skateboard. He couldn’t move. HE COULDN’T SKATE. This was bullshit. His body started to pulse and swell. The cops took a few steps back, but they didn’t run. The explosion destroyed everything within a hundred-meter radius. -------------------------------------------
TO THE ADDRESSEE (PERSONALLY) General Duke Monty Base XP-16 Project “Slime”
Report S034-13-11-2451-18-01 Object 17 aka Scrap Intravenous administration, dose 30mg. On account of O17 having exploded, I cannot perform an autopsy, but I assume he died of overdose. This was the first time we haven’t administered flipthenol, so as not to disturb the specimen’s reaction. The trigger turned out to be the subject’s skateboard in the hands of the security guards – the sight of it incited O17’s aggression and motivation to action. The most significant changes resulting from the mutation were the growth of tissue and sharpening of senses (I won’t go into details here, due to your tight schedule). Mistakes were made, but O17 showed the best results in the history of the experiment. He made 20 blocks, we have confirmed kills of 41 officers and only 5 civilians. In my opinion, this happened for two reasons: we conducted the tests in natural conditions, which cannot be provided by training grounds; also, O17 was a socially maladjusted, pathological subject and thus prone to exceptional creativity in threatening situations. I suggest expanding the funds for the works on S034. If we want Project “Slime” to be a success, we have to accept losses. I’m sure you’ll understand. I also suggest extended infiltration of the so-called “skaters”. Using those assets won’t cause any harm to our image. O17 died in the name of his subculture’s credo – “Skate or Die”. Everyone should be happy. Doctor Howard West Howard crossed out the last sentence. It was too chummy, he couldn’t afford this kind of tone in contacts with the general. Still, it was a good joke. The doctor giggled, and when he realized he was alone in the facility, he started laughing out loud. * *
"Man-Skate" illustration by Łukasz Kowalczuk. Translated to English by Grzegorz Gołębski. _______________________________________ SKATE OR DIE! What did you think of Man-Skate? Leave your comments below! |