SSN: Shadow Object Poised to Destroy EarthThis is SSN: Scientific Science News. People were quite excited to see the super blood moon mega wolf extreme eclipse recently, but it appears there is something far more sinister to this natural phenomenon.
It has always been assumed that a lunar eclipse is brought on when the earth, essentially, gets in between the sun and the moon. While that seems perfectly logical, a small, unknown group of scienstists known as "Flat Earthers" have posited a different theory as to why the moon looks so evil. This "Shadow Object" has gone relatively unnoticed, due to the fact that it is too close to the sun to be visible. According to the Flat Earth Society, the object's "orbital plane is tilted at an angle of about 5°10' to the sun's orbital plane", which is what allows for the lunar eclipses we see. We have reached out to NASA to try and find out why they haven't mentioned this object before, but, so far, they haven't responded. But one important question has gone unanswered: What is this shadow object? There is currently little data as to what this shadow oject is. Even Flatearthers have not offered any real, substantial evedince as to what this shadow obstacle could be. Is it an asteroid? A hidden planet? Dormant Gods awaiting the downfall of mankind? Plenty of onlookers have commented on the phenomenon. Trash Mutant reader Burt Onlooker has said “It's beautiful. I'm sure I saw a tentaccle, though”. Little explanation has been offered so far, though. But we at Trash Mutant will always try to prepare you for the worst. We'll try to keep you updated, but try to keep safe. And keep an eye out for any more important news from the Flat Earth Society. But, if the world is still alright in a week or two, come back to Trash Mutant for more science news updates. |