Tentacle-Free Anime: "Aggretsuko" (2018)This has been one helluva long year already. Got a new job, been planning a wedding, been getting more and more opportunities to write and make comics. On top of that I still have shows to watch, reviews to write, and maaaan has my family been keeping me busy like always. It all gets very frustrating at times and I just wanna scream to the high heavens. Much like the little red panda we're about to discuss in this week's TFA. That's right, today we're discussing...
Aggretsuko's title comes from shortening the words Aggressive Retsuko, the titular character of the series. A little female red panda who works in accounting in an office job, toiling away under bosses who both disrespect her and resent her. Essentially, it's a tale as old as time only with cute anthropomorphic animals rather than humans. Also, what's fun about this series is that it is also a Sanrio production. That's right, the company that created Hello Kitty also helped make this.
Watching Retsuko navigate her work life, and trying to do more normal things outside of work like Yoga, or speed dating, or forming friendships with the higher ups at work that aren't necessarily her bosses are all so fun and fascinating to watch because of how real it all is. And nothing about this series is more relatable than Retsuko's own tradition of going to the karaoke bar every night and singing death metal by herself to get out her frustrations for that day. And guess what? The death metal is actually passable. Those who wrote this show get the genre and really use it to the show's strengths when Retusko is singing about her shitty boss, her shitty life, but how in the end this is her and she should not have to change for anyone. And even so, by the end, nothing is wrapped up in a nice little bow. Work colleagues are still work colleagues, her bosses are still asshats, her outside friendships are still that, and life goes on. Only now by the end does Retsuko feel more confident in herself which for many of us is all we're trying to do. This show is fascinatingly relatable and even if you're not a fan of the Sanrio art style, which this very much incorporates, the narrative, the characters, the fun, it's all more than enough to suck you in for one helluva fun ride. Retusko is all of us, and we are all Retusko. The show is on Netflix, you can easily watch it. Each episode is only 15 minutes long with the final episode begin about 20 minutes long. I watched it wish some friends in a single evening so it isn't a huge time commitment. If you have the chance, watch Aggretsuko. It is 100% worth your time. Final Score: 5 Bad Bitch Hallway Walks out of 5 That's quite a recommendation! Have you seen Aggretsuko? Do you agree with our review? Let us know in the comments! |