Three things I expect from the Justice League movieIt was recently announced that, due to the incredible financial success The Avengers had, Warner Bros. has hired Will Beall, writer of the film Gangster Squad, to pen a Justice League movie. Warner Bros. must think that he’s talented, because he is also currently in charge of writing the Lethal Weapon reboot, as well as the Logan’s Run remake (which has Ryan Gosling attached to it). That’s not all, but reports have also stated that Michael Goldenberg, co-writer of 2011’s Green Lantern, has been hard at work with a Wonder Woman script, a job that Joss Whedon himself had a few years ago. Plus, (yes, there’s more), Marc Guggenheim and Michael Green, the two other co-writers of Green Lantern, are also working on a screenplay for a movie starring the Flash. So with Warner Bros. finally stepping up to the superhero initiative, what can we expect?
1. A New Formula
It’s no secret that Green Lantern was a bomb. It stunk. The script was all over the place, the characters weren’t likeable, it couldn’t make back what it cost, and critics everywhere butchered it from every which way. That being said, the fact that Wonder Woman and Flash, two insanely popular fan-favorites from the comics, will be handled by the guys who brought you Green Lantern is a bit nerve-wracking. Perhaps they’ve learned a lesson in what makes a good superhero movie? I don’t know, but Warner Bros. sees something in them, so we have no choice but to sit back and watch.
2. An All-Star Roster
The Justice League has always had a semi-big roster, ranging from five members to twenty. Which characters will be used, and which ones will be tossed away? No doubt that the big guns like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman will be included, as well as Green Lantern and Flash, but will that be it? If Avengers taught anyone anything, it’s that you can introduce new, semi-obscure characters into the film, and have the public go nuts over them. Case in point, nobody knew who Iron Man was pre-2008, yet he’s arguably the most popular Avenger today. So what about Aquaman, Hawkman, Atom, Martian Manhunter, and all the rest of the team’s not-so-popular members? Will they be included? Personally, I don’t think they would ever give Aquaman a chance at being on the big screen, as the character’s been torn to shreds by the Super Friends in the 70’s, as well as being the butt of many jokes in shows like Family Guy. With that in mind, I think it’s safe to say that the main five: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern will be the roster, and it will end there. It’s also quite possible that Cyborg, a character whose history had changed with DC’s recent re-launch, may be in the film as he’s now a founding member and he adds diversity to the team’s racial balance. Any way you slice it, the public will automatically compare this movie to the Avengers, so the inclusion of a black character, something that Avengers didn’t have if you don’t count Nick Fury, may not be that unheard of. Now that we’ve talked about the good guys, what about the bad guys?
3. An Earth-Based Threat
To completely set itself apart from Avengers, they’re going to have to keep away from anything space-related. That means we may not see Justice League villains like Darkseid or Despero in the film, which I’m personally ok with. In fact, the Justice League has quite a few adversaries on Earth that will be more than suitable for an origin film. These include: Vandal Savage, The Injustice Gang, Felix Faust, The Legion of Doom, Batman, etc. Wait, what? That’s right. Batman.
Of course this is all just speculation and I can be way off, but this is what I’m predicting for the future Justice League film. Maybe the movie will be three hours long and have all seven founding members in it, or maybe it’ll just be the “big five” in a 90 minute film. Maybe it will be bigger than the Avengers, or maybe it will be an incredible failure. We don’t know, but it will be fun to sit and watch as it happens.
What do you expect? |