TM Movie News: 50 Shades of Justice Park Wars... Story.
Trash Mutant! After a pretty long period of no actual movie news, I’m glad to be back and share with you the first official Movie News segment of 2013! So sit back, relax, and listen to all that cool stuff coming your way to a theater near you. And… ya know… all the not-so-cool stuff too. Take the good with the bad, folks!
Who likes Toy Story? These extremely talented individuals recreated the entire first film with real people and real toys. The live-action Toy Story! For anyone who appreciates the fantastic film, absolutely check it out if you can spare an hour and change. Look at this! And that’s that, readers! What do you think about JJ Abrams taking over "Star Wars"? Does any of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" news phase you? If so, which would you rather see be involved: Carrey or Sandler? What about all that other stuff? "Jurassic Park 4"? "50 Shades of Grey"? The live-action "Toy Story" film? Let us know in that beautiful little comment section below! Until next time, Trash Mutant! Thanks for reading! |