TM Movie News: Bad Santa 2, Die Hardest, "Daryl Crow" & more
Lots of interesting movie tidbits for you, my darling Trash Muties! Are we getting a Venom movie? Has Hollywood found its next Crow? What’s the next Die Hard movie going to be about, and what will it be called?! Which comic book character is Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing this week?! Pause your Netflix and shut off your Twitters, people! It’s Movie News Time!
The Amazing Spider-Man Universe:
Bad Santa 2:
The Crow:
Die Hardest:
The Bent Bullet:
How To Train Your Dragon 2:
And there you have it! Which characters do you hope will be featured in a potential Spidey spinoff? Will you be watching the Bad Santa sequel? What are your thoughts on Daryl from the Walking Dead playing a superhero that is ironically a walking dead guy? What did you think of the How To Train Your Dragon trailer and why did you think it was so awesome? Also, Anchorman 2 is only just a few weeks away! That does it for this week boys and girls. Stay classy, internet! |