TM Movie News: Noah, Vin Vision and Original Movies!
What’s this?! Original film proposals?! Captain Planet is getting a gritty reboot?! The Terminator is back?! Yeah. It’s been a good week (for the most part).
19: As the zombie craze is still rampant as ever, QED International (District 9, Elysium) have announced plans to make a film simply titled “19.” Written by Jim Agnew and Sean Kellar, the pitch behind this film (and possible franchise) is reportedly “Everybody over the age of 19 turns into a walking corpse. That leaves a civilized world to be run by kids.”
Annie: In the Will Smith-produced remake of the beloved musical, "Annie", actress Cameron Diaz (Bad Teacher, Knight and Day) has reportedly signed on to play the antagonistic Miss Hannigan.
Captain Planet: Sony Pictures is reportedly in the final negotiations of acquiring the film rights to environmental superhero, Captain Planet.
Marvel Cinematic Universe: On Twitter, actor Vin Diesel (Fast and the Furious, xXx) stated that he was going to meet with Marvel Studios for an unknown role. Many speculators are calling from anywhere between the voice of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy or the Vision, an android important to the Avengers mythos.
Pixar: Pixar, the company responsible for the Toy Story franchise, Finding Nemo, and more recently, Monsters University, is looking to bring their attention to more original films rather than sequels and prequels to their already-established properties. Ed Catmull, president of the company, stated “For artistic reasons … it’s really important that we do an original film a year. Every once in a while, we get a film where we want or people want to see something continuing in that world — which is the rationale behind the sequel. They want those characters, which means we were successful with them. But if you keep doing that, then you aren’t doing original films."
Terminator 5: Paramount pictures officially announced a new Terminator film slated for 2015. Arnold Schwarzenegger is locked in to return, and the fifth installment to the franchise will kick off a new trilogy.
STUFF YOU SHOULD LOOK AT: Noah: New pictures have surfaced online for Darren Aronofsky’s Noah! Yes, the dude who brought us Black Swan is making a movie about Noah’s Ark! Starring Russell Crowe! Prisoners: The trailer for Prisoners starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman is out! Watch it because Wolverine’s in it! And he’s got a beard! That’s it! So what’s your favorite story this week? Who do you think Vin Diesel will be playing in the Marvel Universe? What do you think of Russell Crowe as Noah? Are you as pumped as I am for Terminator 5? What about the concept between 19 and Pixar’s stance on original content? Until next time, be good to one another, righteous readers! |