TM Movie News: Paranormal Activity, Heroes, Tarantino & more
What’s going on, Trash Muties?! Lots of interesting movie tidbits this week! Which big names are being eyed for the next Star Wars? Do we know the story for the Ant-Man movie? Can BatFleck smell what the Rock is cooking? What will Quentin Tarantino’s new movie be called? What’s Kevin Smith up to these days? So many questions, but fear not, ladies and gents! I got the answers! It’s Movie News time!
Ant Man:
Big Hero 6:
DC Cinematic Universe:
The Hateful Eight:
Helena Handbag:
Paranormal Activity:
Planet of the Apes 3:
Star Wars: Episode VII:
X-Men: Apocalypse:
X-Men: Days of Future Past
STUFF YOU SHOULD LOOK AT: The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
Guardians of the Galaxy:
The Lego Movie:
A Million Ways To Die In The West:
Iron Man 3:
The Raid 2:
Veronica Mars:
And that’s that! What did you think of those Cap photos? Is that Guardians of the Galaxy synopsis enough to get you in the theater? Which western is where it’s at: Tarantino’s or MacFarlane’s? Which DC character should Dwayne Johnson play, and why do you think he should be Black Adam? Which cast will be bigger: X-Men’s or Episode VII’s? Let us know, Muties! As always, be good to one another! |