TM Movie News: Post-Star Wars Trailer Edition
Happy Monday, my lovely Muties! Blade Runner 2! Frozen 2! Independence Day 2! Sequels, sequels, and more sequels! It might’ve been a quiet week, but that tends to happen when a Jurassic Park trailer and a Star Wars teaser break the internet for a few days! Sit back and enjoy, my lovely muties: IT’S MOVIE NEWS TIME!
Blade Runner 2:
Dark Universe:
Frozen 2:
Independence Day 2:
Star Wars: The Force Awakens:
And there you have it, my lovely Muties! Will you be waiting in line for an Independence Day sequel? What’s your opinion on Dark Universe? Blade Runner 2: yea or nay? And those trailers—how could you not love ‘em?! That’ll do it for this week, ladies and germs! Have an excellent week ahead and be good to one another! |