TM Movie News: Star Wars, Apes, Turtles & Tyrion in X-Men!
Happy ending-of-February, Trash Mutant! Lots of important news that I know you’ll love, so let’s not waste a moment with poorly-written intros!
The Amazing Spider-Man II: Director Marc Webb continues to tweet teasing images about the upcoming sequel, and there is now a picture of the new eye lenses of (presumably) Spider-Man’s costume. Other speculators believe the lens belongs to Black Cat’s costume or even Venom. But that’s not all, as two other images were also tweeted. The first one was a picture of two FBI agents with the hashtag “#knockknock,” and the other one is an image of Franklin Delano Roosevelt made entirely out of sticky notes with the hashtag “#thepassage.” Here is the image of the eye lens:
Anchorman 2: Actor James Marsden (X-Men) has joined the cast of the highly anticipated sequel as a rival news anchor to Ron Burgundy (played by Will Ferrell).
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, has come out and revealed that the Captain America sequel will be a “political thriller.”
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: The plot has been confirmed to be taking place 15 years after the events of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Jason Clarke (Zero Dark Thirty) will be playing the lead role of the 2011 sequel.
Fantastic Four: Director Matthew Vaughn (X-Men: First Class) has been confirmed to be producing the reboot of the fantastic comic book movie franchise. Directed by Josh Trank (Chronicle).
Guardians of the Galaxy: Chris Pratt is officially playing the lead role of Star-Lord in the upcoming Marvel Studios film. With more casting news, rumor has it that another member of the team, Drax the Destroyer, might be played by Jason Mamoa (Game of Thrones).
Ninja Turtles: Producer of the film, Michael Bay confirmed on his official website that actress Megan Fox (Transformers) will star in the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot.
Star Wars: Episode VII: A huge story which boomed in recent weeks is that Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher are all in talks to return as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia in the Star Wars sequel. Nothing is currently set in stone, but the odds of them all returning are very possible.
The Stooge: Will Roger Rabbit be making a comeback to the big screen? Apparently there is a pitch being made to Disney/Pixar by Roger Rabbit creator Gary K. Wolf, about an animated Roger Rabbit/Mickey Mouse team-up film. “This movie, which will be all animated,” said Wolf, “has nothing to do with the sequel to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". They are totally different concepts and projects. It’s not a case of making one instead of the other. In an ideal, rabbit-centric world, Disney will make both.”
X-Men: Days of Future Past: Actor Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones) has joined the ever-growing cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past. According to a few sources, the actor will be playing the lead villain, rather than the widely-speculated role of Puck (a mutant dwarf that is a member of Alpha Flight in the comic books).
STUFF YOU SHOULD LOOK AT: Between Two Ferns: Zack Galifinakis (The Hangover) interviews Oscar nominees and this is one of the best things ever. LOOK AT IT! Catching Fire: Two new posters are out for The Hunger Games sequel. LOOK AT THEM! The Company You Keep: There’s a trailer for a new Shia LaBeouf movie. LOOK AT IT! Iron Man 3: Two new posters have been released of the iron avenger’s sequel. One of them features Don Cheadle as the Iron Patriot, while the other one showcases Ben Kingsley as the villainous Mandarin. LOOK AT THEM! Monsters University: New trailer for the Pixar prequel and it looks pretty awesome. LOOK AT IT! Mortal Kombat: Legacy: There was a mini-webisode series of the popular video game franchise, and it’s getting a second season. Here’s the trailer for that, and if you haven’t watched the first one, do yourself a favor and look at that. But right now, LOOK AT THIS! The Wolverine: A new image has been released of Hugh Jackman being Wolverine again, and it’s making people excited. LOOK AT IT! And boom goes the dynamite! What was your favorite story this week, Trash Mutant? Does the potentially new Spider-Man costume give you a nerdgasm? How much are you not looking forward to the "Ninja Turtles" f̶i̶a̶s̶c̶o̶ movie? Do you think it’s a smart idea to bring back Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carry Fisher back into the Star Wars movies? What about the possible return of Roger Rabbit? Oh, and what are your thoughts on the new "Monsters University" and "Mortal Kombat: Legacy" trailers? Until next time, have an excellent day and be good to one another. Laters! |