TM Movie News: The Massive Comicbook Movie Edition
Huge week, folks! Huge, huge week! Venom and the Sinter Six, the Suicide Squad, Booster Gold, Wonder Woman, the Terminator, Hulk, Deathstroke, Apocalypse, and Matthew McConaughey are all banding together to be the new Justice League in the unnamed Batman vs. Superman movie that’s being directed by Chris Nolan! …Wait, what? Movie news time!
The Amazing Spider-Man Universe:
DC Cinematic Universe:
Man of Steel Sequel:
Terminator: Genesis:
X-Men: Apocalypse:
STUFF YOU SHOULD LOOK AT: 300: Rise of an Empire:
The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
Edge of Tomorrow:
The Incredible Hulk 2?:
X-Men: Days of Future Past:
And that should cover everything important that’s happened in these last two weeks of nerdy happenings! What’s your take on the Sinister Six movie? Which DC character/team would you want this low-budget movie treatment to happen for? How do you feel about Gal Gadot being Wonder Woman? Are you excited or scared of the pseudo Justice League movie? Which new trailer is your favorite this week? Would Matthew McConaughey make a good Justice League member? Let us know! Until next time, I’ll be waiting for the next huge story to hit the web the second after I submit this to my editor! That’ll do it for this week! Be good to one another! |