TM Movie News: The Revamped, Giant-Sized Spectacular!
Happy Monday, Trash Mutant! I’ve got a ton of great movie news up for you today, so let’s get right to it!
[Editor's note: We're also trying out something of a new format for Trash Mutant Movie News, so please let us know in the comments what you thought about today's column's look!] The Amazing Spider-Man II: In many of the Spider-Man video games, the one throwaway villain they always seem to shoehorn in there is the Rhino. Apparently, Paul Giamatti is in talks to play the character in the upcoming film, making it the second villain behind Electro.
Since the film has begun production, Mark Webb posted this photo with the caption “happy birthday”: In the Ultimate Universe, locker fourteen was the home of the alien symbiote that is Venom. Not only that, but February 6, the day that this was posted, is the birthday of Dane DeHann, who will be playing Harry Osborn in the film. Will Harry don the Venom suit in the anticipated sequel?
Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, and… Hulk 2?: A few weeks ago, I told you that Ant-Man would be finishing “Phase Two” of Marvel’s Avengers installments. Now, confirmed by Marvel themselves, Ant-Man will be kick-starting Phase Three, instead. Not only that, but Dr. Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, will be getting his own film in this new phase as well.
Latino Review, a site whose track record has been fairly accurate when discussing “exclusive” information, had some interesting news regarding the Hulk. Whether this is accurate has yet to be seen, so there may be some potential spoilers in this story. Supposedly, the Avengers 2 will end with the Hulk being sent into space, recreating the popular comic book story Planet Hulk. The plan, as many have speculated, is that the next Hulk film will indeed be Planet Hulk, and that Avengers 3 will feature the Hulk coming back to Earth, making it Avengers 3: World War Hulk.
Entourage: Confirmed by Warner Bros. and executive producer Mark Wahlberg, Entourage, the hit HBO series that concluded in 2011 will be getting a feature film. The screenplay has been written by the show’s creator, Doug Ellin, and according to him, the film will take place six months after the events of the show’s final episode. While the release date still hasn’t been set in stone, Wahlberg said that they are looking to shoot this summer.
Evil Dead: The MPAA, the group responsible for tagging the ratings on upcoming films, finally saw Evil Dead, and gave it an NC-17 rating.
Iron Man 3: There could be potential SPOILERS in this particular story, so read at your own risk! Toys, such as action figures, LEGO sets, and even bobble heads have been popping up all over the web, promoting the widely-anticipated film. Among them, Funko POP! released four bobble heads, and one of them has been getting quite a bit of attention online. There’s the normal Iron Man armor, War Machine, the Iron Patriot, and then the never-before-seen Deep-Space Armor. Unlike toy companies such as Hasbro, Funko POP! isn’t known for making bobble heads just for the heck of it. As War Machine and Iron Patriot have already been confirmed to be in the film, could this mean that there will be a potential Guardians of the Galaxy cameo? Because Iron Man will be joining the Guardians in the comic books within the next few months, a GotG cameo isn’t totally out of the question, as this new rumor has been widely speculated.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas: Because of the success of films like Horton Hears a Who and, more recently, The Lorax, Universal Pictures has announced that the classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas will be getting the animated treatment as well. It will be directed by Pete Candeland.
Justice League: The script has apparently been scrapped for the upcoming Justice League film. It was written by Will Beal (Gangster Squad), and by many sources, they’ve all claimed the same thing: it was awful. All plans have been reportedly been put on hold. Word is that, depending on how well Man of Steel does at the box-office, it will determine the Justice League film’s overall fate.
Sin City II: The official release date for Sin City II has been confirmed for October 4, 2013.
Star Wars: Episode VII (and more!): Recall that a while back that I reported that Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass, X-Men: First Class) was most likely going to direct Star Wars, way before the JJ Abrams confirmation. As it turns out, he was signed on, and he wanted Chloe Moretz (Kick-Ass) to play the lead role. Could that mean that the main protagonist of the next Star Wars film is going to be a girl? The plans to rerelease the old Star Wars movies in 3D have officially been put on hold to put full focus on making Episode VII. JJ Abrams may be directing Star Wars VII, but he’s not loving the 2015 release date. Reportedly, he’s “not committed” to it, so don’t be surprised if you hear the news that this movie could be pushed back a year or two.
There’s also word that besides Episode VII, they’re looking to make spin-off standalone movies. The rumors include, so far: A solo-Yoda movie, a Han Solo film that takes place before Episode IV, and a Boba Fett movie that takes place around episodes IV, V, and VI.
X-Men: Days of Future Past: Anna Paquin, Sean Ashmore, and Ellen Page will be coming back as Rogue, Iceman, and Kitty Pryde, respectively, for X-Men: Days of Future Past. When asked about the film’s script, Mark Millar (the head of Fox’s Marvel movie projects) claimed that the Sentinels (the giant robots that hunt mutants) will be in it, and that “Kitty Pryde fans will not be disappointed.”
STUFF YOU SHOULD LOOK AT: Paperman: This is the animated short that appeared before Disney’s Wreck-It-Ralph. It was extremely charming, and you should look at it if you like classic Disney animation! Fast & Furious 6 (Trailer): The Super Bowl was last weekend, so that means some pretty great trailers are out now. You should look at this one because the Rock and Vin Diesel will beat you if you don’t! Well, not really… But look at it anyway! Iron Man 3 (Trailer): Well… It’s not much of a trailer as much as it is an actual scene from the movie. Still, it looks intense, and you should look at it because Robert Downey Jr. will just stare at you intently until you do! The Lone Ranger (Trailer): If there’s one non-superhero movie I’m looking forward to this year, it’d be The Lone Ranger. He’s not a superhero, right? I mean, he’s got a mask, but… Well, anyway, this trailer looks amazing, and I can’t wait for it. You should watch it because Armie Hammer is a dream boat and Johnny Depp is Tonto! Star Trek Into Darkness (Trailer): If Lone Ranger counts as a superhero, then I take back what I said about looking forward to a non-superhero movie this year, and direct it at Star Trek. Dude, this movie is going to make a butt-load of money, and rightfully so. You should look at it because JJ Abrams is your Nerd King, and you will bow before him! And that’ll do it for this week’s installment of Movie News! What was your favorite story this week? Do you want Paul Giamatti to be the Rhino? Will Venom make his appearance in the next Spider-Man? Who’s looking forward to Dr. Strange, Sin City, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and all those other movies that will no doubt be awesome? Oh, and what are your thoughts on this Justice League business? Do you honestly feel that it’ll happen in 2015, let alone at all? Look at those trailers and "Paperman", folks. Be good to one another, and until next time! |