Video Games of 2013
It’s almost the end of the year, people! Happy New Year, blah blah blah. Are you all having a nice time with your happiness and festive spirits? Eating your little Mince Pies, sitting on Santa’s lap and so on? You people make me sick.
Now, 2012 has been a pretty decent year for video games thanks to "Skyrim", "Black Ops 2", "Dishonored" and so on. But how is next year shaping up? Let’s have a look, shall we? In January we have... Not much! January is traditionally a slow month for video game releases. But DMC, the controversial Devil May Cry reboot is coming out on the 15th.
Why is it controversial? Well, they happen to be changing pretty much everything except for a few names and basic concepts. This has fans pretty pissed off and I guess I can understand why they would be but I recently played Devil May Cry 3 and, I have to say, a reboot might not be too bad. The originals were incredibly cheesy and, in my opinion, not in a good way. A lot of the action scenes were a lot of fun but every time Dante opened his mouth, I wanted to eat his face. But besides that, the gameplay is some of the most repetitive I’ve ever played. This new one doesn’t do much to improve the gameplay but I find I like this new Dante a whole lot more, as a person. I do not want to eat his face. After playing the demo, some fans have eased off a little and some critics have called it their most anticipated game of 2013. I look forward to seeing the reviews on this one. But on the 2nd and 25th, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is being released. This is the creation of Level 5 (The Professor Layton games) and Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle). This is looking like it will be the most beautiful game of 2013. In February, we’ll see Deadspace 3 (5th), Aliens Colonial Marines (12th), Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (19th), Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (5th), Rayman Legends (26th) and Crysis 3 (19th). Out of all of those, the ones I care most about are Rayman, Alien, Sly Cooper and Metal Gear. Crysis will be big but I don’t... Really... Care. Now, Rayman looks like it’s going to be one of the best 2-D platform games of all time, judging by the preview level released recently. The problem is it’s a Wii-U exclusive. This is a console I have no intention of getting because I don’t give a flying penis about Nintendo or their products anymore. So I’m a bit miffed about that. On the bright side, the new Metal Gear Solid (Revengeance?!?) [REVENGEANCE?!? - Ed.] is out. Crazy stealth, fourth wall breaking and fantastic story telling is what this franchise is known for and I really hope they continue this trend with this new one. Speaking of Metal Gear, have you seen this? A lot of speculation is going around that this is Metal Gear Solid 5 but with fake studio names and what have you. The Alien game SHOULD be a lot of fun for fans of the film and comic book franchise but let’s not hold our breath. We’ve been hurt before by Alien video games!!! So I’m hoping this will at least be a bit of fun. The new Sly Cooper game looks like the previous three. Nothing seems to have changed and that, readers, is a good thing. Why fix what isn’t broken? This is going to be a fun cartoon stealth platforming game. I am happy with that. March 26th ... Bioshock Infinite looks pretty cool. That’s pretty much all that’s coming out in March, so far. But it’s not like we can complain about Bioshock set in a city in the sky, right? That’s gonna be pretty cool. April. Meh. May 7th is the when The Last of Us is released, though! I’m really hoping this will be good. Better, even! It’s from Naughty Dog, the creators of Uncharted so it’s at least going to look really nice! It’s a post apocalyptic video game with zombie-like creatures, survivors of all kinds and fantastic ruined landscapes. I have high hopes for this one. Those are the only games with confirmed release dates so far. Unconfirmed, though, we have Watch_Dogs, Deadpool and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. I mentioned Watch_Dogs in my E3 2012 review, placing it at number 2 in a top 5 list. It’s an open world action thriller, similar to GTA and Assassin’s Creed. Another one I have high hopes for. Deadpool is also coming out, hopefully. The trailer for this looked freaking awesome. We saw Deadpool mowing down bad guys with guns and swords while cracking rude jokes and swearing. At the end of the day, that’s all we wanted from a Deadpool game, right? Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is the sequel to the H.P Lovecraft inspired indie hit Amnesia. Amnesia was genuinely scary and had some great gameplay that kept things different and fast paced enough to actually work WITH the scares. I look forward to seeing what they’ll do with a bigger budget. And that's pretty much it, as far as the games scheduled for early 2013 go. Which are you looking forward to the most, Trash Mutant reader? Let us know! |